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Sekolah Cinta Budaya Culture

Sekolah Cinta Budaya Culture

  1. Always pray before and after doing activities
  2. Love the country, love Sekolah Cinta Budaya and love peace
  3. Have a high tolerance towards diversity in opinions, race, social status and religion
  4. Uphold the good image of the school and its family
  5. Obey the superior and the school rules in general
  6. Be loyal and committed to the oath of office
  7. Keep the school and its surrounding clean, safe, organized, beautiful, shady, healthy, free from cigarette, drug, alcohol, violence and be mindful as well as wise
  8. Understand the structure of organization well and carry out the duty in line with it
  9. Respect elders and help the young / the needy
  10. Keep a good rapport with parents and guests via telephone and PTCB
  11. Do visitation to students at home for the reason of students being sick / suffer from misfortune to strengthen the relationship among Sekolah Cinta Budaya members
  12. Be on time (arrive at school 30 minutes early) and able to manage time
  13. Be aware of and take the initiative to prevent situations that can result in danger to Sekolah Cinta Budaya and its family
  14. Be humble, protective and helpful to all Sekolah Cinta Budaya family
  15. Carry out ones duty with sincerity, sympathy, and enthusiasm
  16. Carry out ones duties proactively and be aware of your surroundings, be observant, careful, tidy and innovative
  17. Pursue professional achievement in a sportive way
  18. Be able to meet deadlines and speed up work
  19. Possess high tolerance and be open-minded towards diverse opinions, religion, race, social status, academic competence, interest, talent or physical condition and develop empathy to anyone who has a problem or misfortune or any difficulties.
  20. Focus on the development of students academically, on professionalism and having an excellent personality
  21. Keep the school and its surrounding clean, safe, organized, beautiful, shady, healthy, free from a cigarette, drug, alcohol, and violence/bully
  22. Communicate in English and Mandarin only
  23. Be communicative and informative
  24. Smile, shake hands and greet people around the school
  25. Be a good communicator and listener
  26. Uphold the ethics of speech, dress, and behavior
  27. Be willing to forgive and be able to ask for forgiveness
  28. Be a role model for others
  29. Be wise upon hearing difficult news and events, verify and follow them up to solve the problems
  30. Be optimistic to face hardship and consider it as a challenge in life
  31. Be able to control emotions and always think positively
  32. Be objective, fair and avoid discrimination
  33. Avoid being greedy and corrupting
  34. Queue up to enter and leave an area and give priority to elders and females
  35. Do not use mobile phones during working hours
  36. Develop entrepreneurship with good morals and ethics as its foundation